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GiveMeApps Reviews

3 years ago
Wallpapers Anime 4K Android App Review
6 years ago
Speed Imo Booster Android App Review

Wallpapers Anime 4K Android App Review
Aug 15th 2020 at 01:20am by Brooklyn Midas

Are you obsessed with Anime or Manga? No? Well, then not only are you not a part of the million who are and are missing out on a lot! With Manga comic books, cartoons/tv series, movies and art with Wallpaper Anime 4K for Android, you can know bring the world of anime to the Home and Lock Screen of y...


Speed Imo Booster Android App Review
Jun 10th 2017 at 06:43pm by Brooklyn Midas

Who doesn't want to get things done faster? If you've ever dealt with slow opening apps, dropped calls, shoddy video or menus which take forever to load, then it probably means you have a lot of background tasks running on your device. This is usually beyond just having to close a bunch of apps.&nbs...