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Kids Eat Free Android App Review | GiveMeApps


Dec 10th 2023 at 04:24am by GiveMeApps May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

GiveMeApps Rating: 5 out of 5
  • Well populated
  • Potential to be used very often
  • A myriad of dining categories
  • Excellent value
  • None to speak of

Raising a child here in the 2020s (or during any decade for that matter) among other things is a huge financial committment. From clothes, educational related items, you will be spending. For this reason, whenever a deal comes along that can save you a few dollars without sacrificing quality and safety, you won't turn it down. Kids Eat Free for iOS and Android promises to do just that when it comes to dining!


See Also: Find Me Noms (iPhone/iPad) 


Who doesn't prefer a fun day or a night out at a good restaurant or eatery? You can remember the excitement of even going to a fast food place such as McDonalds when you could make the same foods at home. Kids Eat Free serves as a directory of participating restaurants, cafes, bed and breakfasts, waffle houses and other establishments that give discounts to youngsters. In the best case scenario, as the app implies, kids can even eat for free. Just considering one would have to wait for a commercial to appear on television or a periodical clipping for a deal, in principal alone, you could already see the value in such an application.


App Review | Kids Eat Free | iPhone iPad | Radius | GiveMeApps  App Review | Kids Eat Free | iPhone iPad | Restaurant Eatery Display | GiveMeApps

Search For Eateries In Your Are And Set The Radius


Upon loading, we automatically appreciated the a sign up wasn't required to utilize the app. The app does ask for access to your location, precisely to display participating businesses in your area. We were surprised to see lots of establishments pop up. Part of this is because we're in the New York Metro area, but even so, for a fairly new app, this was nice to see. Our location during this review was about twenty miles north of NYC. Everything from smaller bistros to chain restaurants appeared from Westchester to Northern New Jersey. 


App Review | Kids Eat Free | iPhone iPad | Deal Information | GiveMeApps  App Review | Kids Eat Free | Filter Food Types | GiveMeApps

Deals vary and you can filter a vareity of food types 


As expected, deals varied from place to place. Offerings were contingent on the time of day, season, what was ordered and who the kids were accompanied by. For example, one establishment offered a discount on the same entrees ordered by the accompanying adult. Another offered a free meal, but between the hours of 10am and 2pm.


See Also: Green Thumb (iPhone/iPad)


A cafe in affluent Scarsdale, New York offered a free meal during the month of Feburary on Sundays for kids and on Father's Day. When it comes to anything free, especially that of quality, you take what you can get! In the case of the app, we were all smiles just at the idea that we didn't have to go rumaging through a bunch of websites, magazines or neighborhood circulars to find such deals. 


It doesn't stop there however. The app offers great filters and sorting options. You can choose to list different types of restuarants (i.e. Turkish, Italian, American, Indian, Mexican, etc), or some non-food related options that offer discounts for kids. The extras were a nice and unexpected touch.


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Kids Eat Free is no-frills app that works exactly as advertised. Whether you have kids or work with kids, the value of having such a tool cannot be overstated. Especially if you are a parent, you will get a lot of mileage out of it! Easy to navigate, well-populated and the developers seem to be committed to keeping the app fresh and updated. Highly recommended! Download it here (iOS) and here (Android)


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