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Green Thumb iPhone/iPad App Review


Jun 23rd 2017 at 05:21am by Brooklyn Midas May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

Brooklyn Midas

Brooklyn Midas is a freelance tech writer and enthusiast

GiveMeApps Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Well designed menus and navigation
  • Rating system helps users find quality growers
  • Small userbase at the moment
  • "Wish list" could benefit from pre-indexed tabs

With a rise in demand for supermarkets such as Whole Food and Trader Joe's who cater to shoppers looking for more natural and organic items, apps like Green Thumb couldn't appear at a better time. Green Thumb matches people who grow their own food and allows them to barter their products easily.


See Also: Food Planner (Android)

For authenticity, you register via your Facebook credentials. Once signed up, you are taken through a tutorial to familiarize yourself with getting around the app. This app is like Tinder meets Amazon meets Facebook. Each item up for trade has its own listing. At the bottom of each listing are decline (red apple) and trade icons (green apple). By tapping on "Decline", you are immediately sent to the next item. Clicking "Trade" will call up your items so you can begin a trade transaction. Swiping left or right on item pictures in listings has the same effect. There is the Tinder reference.

Each listing has its respective grower's profile pic below the picture of the item in question. Growers have ratings. Ratings consist of up to five thumbs. A sixth thumb, the "golden thumb" indicates that the user in question is a outstanding grower of the highest quality based on the reviews of other users. A nice touch for a vote of confidence when looking for items to trade. 


See Also: Find Me Noms (iPhone/iPad)


Great is the fact that you filter your search by distance. Only interested in local growers? The search settings on the top right menu lets you adjust distance between 0 (local) and 500km (global). We kept the settings closer to global as the userbase is relatively small. Of course, this will change as the app gains popularity. 


 Green Thumb Android App Review | GiveMeApps Green Thumb iPhone/iPad App Review | GiveMeApps

Green Thumb connects food growers locally and abroad


There may be an item you can't find. Let's say you wanted cauliflower. You could enter that into your wishlist. The wishlist lets you enter in items and get notifications when they appear on Green Thumb. The items you enter will appear as clearable tags when you view your wishlist. While this an awesome feature, it would be even nicer if tags were pre-indexed so you could type a part of the word and then select if from a list of common food items.


See Also: WineStein Sommelier (Android)


Putting up items for trade is as easy as pie. By tapping on the "+" icon on the top right menu, you can create your own listings. Simply enter the name of the item, it's category, weght, whether it is organic or not and snap a picture. Once you do this and enter a description of 300 characters or less, you are ready to go. When you do set up a trade, all transactions are stored in your transaction history for reference. Likewise, you can store all of your favorite traders in your "favorite traders" list.


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So how does this app stack up against its competitors? Well Local Carrot (iPhone/iPad) is more established and has a couple of UI bells and whistles. It also lets you sell directly. Leftover Swap (Android) lets you swap your leftovers with strangers. Green Thumb is leaner than its competitors (it focuses on just bartering, free, has an attractive UI and just works. Once its userbase swells in size, it has a chance at being the go-to app for amateur growers and small-mid sized produce businsesses alike.


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