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GiveMeApps Reviews

It Was An Appy Christmas For All


Dec 28th 2011 at 01:41am by Wayne Tempel

Wayne Tempel

Wayne Tempel is a freelance writer who has contributed to many articles on the web. You can follow him on Flipboard.

We love our smartphones and tablets Now it’s apparent that people spent a lot of time Christmas Day downloading new apps for those devices.


See Also: Apple And It's Declining Tablet Market Share (News)


A study that was conducted by Flurry Analytics discovered that records for activating new smartphones downloading apps were shattered.


GiveMeApps News: Christmas App Downloads | GiveMeApps

App Downloads During Christmas 2011

Records indicate that consumer’s activated 6.8 million smartphones, a 140% increase from 2010. Records also indicate that 242 million apps were downloaded that day, a 125% increase from 2010. It was a great year for both Apple iOS and Google Android apps.


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This appy downloading will continue to surge. It is estimated that between Christmas Day and New Years Day, a total of 1 billion apps will have been downloaded. Be sure to get your favorite apps at your #1 place for apps, not the market or store, but the mall GiveMeApps,


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