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Google's Trojan Horse – An Ice Cream Sandwich?


Oct 14th 2011 at 08:06am by KyleRSharick

Kyle R Sharick

Kyle R Sharick is a freelance writer who has contributed to many articles on the web. You can follow him on Twitter, or read his Blog

Strike up the Scott Joplin because the ice cream man is coming! After all the late talks with lawyers, moments of silence and production testing, Samsung gives the world their first taste of Google Ice Cream Sandwich next week.


See Also: Android. The New App King (Android)


As we reported earlier this week, ICS and the new Android Nexus Prime were put on hold following the passing of Steve Jobs. Even with a potentially damaging lawsuit waning, Samsung will release the breaks and serve up something delicious for the grown children of the world.

The announcement will be made from Samsung's Hong Kong Headquarters and stream live on the web at, starting October 18 at 10:00PM EST.


See Also: So You Want To Make An App (News)


At the same time ICS and Nexus Prime arrive on the lands of eastern Asia, Android will embark on another exploration – this time, into the Twitterverse. The official Android Twitter handle will be announced simultaneously during the event.


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Upon hearing the news of the announcement, an all out campus rager broke out at Google Headquarters. No red cups or stamped hands were reported, but the students of Google showed their spirit and partied in the only way Googlites know how – by erecting a 15 foot Ice Cream Sandwich sandwich sculpture on the front lawn.


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