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GiveMeApps Reviews

Vocal. Hands Free Text Messaging Android App Review


Sep 25th 2013 at 03:06pm by GiveMeApps

Text messaging has been a staple use of mobile devices for more than a decade now. Even with accessible email, web browsing and video conferencing, Text messaging, or SMS has remained king. Even retailers and advertisers have made use of the communication method. The increased reliance and obsession with "texting" has of course created a bunch of scenarios where checking, viewing and responding to texts are dangerous or even illegal. Where we have hands-free accessories, we now have hands-free texting thanks to developer JT Montana. 

"Vocal" for Android delivers the application everyone has been waiting for, an app that allows for hands free texting. The app allows users to hear incoming text messages, and reply to them without lifting a finger! Using simple commands, you can reject hearing an incoming text, or cancel a request to reply to the message. 


The app has two main screens, the toggle screen, which lets you turn the app on or off, and the help screen, which gives you a quick tutorial on how to use the app. Simply pressing the large "V" turns it on. When a text message is received, a female voice asks you if you want to hear the respective message. The text to speech engine works flawlessly. The voice is clear and reads an easy to understand medium page.

After the text is read, you are prompted to either reply. A simple command of yes or no will allow for a response. 

Is It Worth It?

We loved the simplicity of the app. It couldn't get any more simple than "on" or "off". We did have to be sure to speak clearly with the prompts and when responding to texts, but this is the case in just about any app that requires voice (i.e. Google Voice). 

The app is free and has a limit of three responses, but this limit can easily be removed with a one time in app purchase. The app is a definite must have in your productivity arsenal.