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GiveMeApps Reviews

Sliding Sam iPhone/iPad App Review


Sep 27th 2012 at 12:50pm by GiveMeApps

A lot of the games on the market are spins on old themes and while many are great (and some not so much), they offer very little in the way of being unique, attention getters. Sliding Sam is not one of those games. While dabbing the typical "rescue the princess" fashion, the Developer Samuel Marin puts you in control of how the princess is gotten. You have to draw a line to her. Using the touch capabilities of iOS devices, you will draw the line which Sam slides down or across to get your prize!

Go Sam Go!

Accompanied by cute background music, Sam needs to find his way to his penguin girlfriend. He is perched on a ledge with his girlfriend perched on another. The screen then prompts you to draw a line with your finger. Level 1 demonstrates how to draw the line. The home screen displays 20 levels, 19 of which are locked. You unlock levels by completing the ones prior. Once you draw the line, the game begins. Based on simple physics, "gravity" helps Sam slide.

Some levels bring obstacles like wooden blocks, and lines have to be drawn precisely in order to avoid them. Careful attention has to be given to making sure Sam doesn't fall into a rut and is unable to move. You see, if you draw a plateau, then Sam cannot slide. Draw a steep slope and Sam may not be able to climb with gravity assistance. You can draw multiple lines on the screen, and most of the time this is absolutely necessary. Draw too few lines and gravity may bring him to an earlier area. Draw enough, and the extra lines will help pivot Sam further along his path.

In later levels, Wooden Blocks do not protect the back of Sam's Girlfriend. So after successfully traveling the path, you may inadvertently fly over the princess and fall of the ledge on the other side!

There is a cheesiness to the game, but it is so welcome. Since you are in complete control of drawing the path but are working against gravity, curiosity will keep you playing. We played this game for 45 minutes after we downloaded because we couldn't get enough of it. The game is plain fun, exciting and you won't get frustrated. The game is almost like the Exit exam in a class. You want to pass it. You want to move to the next level.

This game deserves 5 out of 5 stars. It is currently the #1 Game in Belgium and rightfully so. It is simple and will keep you on the edge of your seat. At 99 cents it is worth every penny. As with many things in life, less is more, and Samuel Marin seems to have mastered that with this game.