GiveMeApps Reviews Tech

Banned: NTSB Seeks to Ban Cell Use While Driving
Dec 16th 2011 at 10:35am by Joseph Sugabo
U.S. drivers may not be able to use their mobile devices while driving if the National Transit Safety Board has their way. The proposed recommendation would take most current state laws about cell use one step further and completely ban the use of a mobile phone even with a headset or speaker. This ...
A Cut of the Pie: Dish Wants To Expand
Dec 14th 2011 at 08:31am by Joseph Sugabo
Dish has admitted that it’s ready to jump into the wireless arena. “Clayton told Reuters that Dish is serious about its ambitions to get into the wireless space, but said the company first needs to be awarded a wireless license by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. It would then...
Call of Duty Sets New Billion Dollar Record
Dec 14th 2011 at 12:08am by jbanafsheha
Activision has just announced that Modern Warfare 3 has reached $1 billion in worldwide sales in a record breaking 16 days after its release. The previous record holder was James Cameron's movie Avatar, which took 17 days to reach the $1 billion mark. See Also: Android Activations Reach 1.5...
Are You Ready For The Next Generation Of Smartphones And The LTE Network?
Dec 13th 2011 at 09:56am by Wayne Tempel
Do you remember your first phone? I remember mine. No color screen other than the ugly green in the background on top of the black. They had maybe a few menial games, and I don’t think SMS or text was available yet. We have certainly have come a long way. We have smartphones as they are called...
Blackout: Motorola Wins Case Banning iPhone and iPad
Dec 12th 2011 at 09:38am by Joseph Sugabo
A German regional court in Mannheim helped Motorola Mobility strike a major blow to Apple on December 9, 2011, when it ruled that Motorola Mobility won its patent dispute against Apple. The suit, “could spell a sales injunction against its products across Europe. A regional court in Mannheim, ...
Microsoft's Killer Week
Dec 11th 2011 at 02:40pm by jbanafsheha
Wow! It has been quite a week for Microsoft. They have really stepped up their performance in many aspects of technology this week. 1st they announced their update to the Xbox 360 where you can find out about here. See Also: Microsoft Reports 10% Profit Jump For 2013 (News) 2nd th...
Waiting to Strike: Sprint Delays 4G
Dec 7th 2011 at 09:50am by Joseph Sugabo
Sprint had originally planned to release their 4G LTE lineup of phones in the middle of next year, but it looks like plans are changing. “Sprint’s chief financial officer, Joe Euteneuer, said on a webcast that the wireless carrier will introduce its first devices on the high-speed networ...
Grand Theft Auto Coming To Android and iOS Devices!
Dec 7th 2011 at 09:37am by jbanafsheha
We have all experienced playing Grand Theft Auto, stealing, killing, and committing other unimaginable crimes on your Xboxs, Playstations, and even laptops, but you have never experienced these moment on your cell phones. Well all that will change on December 15. What if I told you, you now have the...