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GiveMeApps Reviews

ProDiagnose iPhone/iPad App Review


Jun 5th 2016 at 03:29am by GiveMeApps

If you asked people what they thought about doctors or medical professionals making house calls, they'd think you were talking about something straight out of a 1950s television show or cartoon. With the myriad of websites and apps now offering on demand services, it was a matter of time before the medical industry caught up. With Pro-Diagnose, you can have on-demands ultrasound services delivered straight to your home.


See Also: Pain Diary (iOS)


Gone are the time consuming visits to the germ-filled doctor's offices accompanied by pushed back appointment times and outrageous medical bills. ProDiagnose literally gets a board-certified technician with an ultrasound machine to come to your home and conduct tests on the spot. Be it, Echo/Heart, Cartoid Duplex, Thyroid, Breast of OB/GYM ultrasounds, Pro-Diagnose will literally bring it to your doorstep.

After a painless sign up, the main screen has four major icons representing Services, Location, Select Date and Patient. Services lets you choose the service you required. Location gets you to select a location. Select Date lets you choose your date and time for your appointment, while patient lets you add pertinent personal information. 


iPhone/iPad App Review: ProDiagnose | GiveMeApps

Pro Diagnose Brings A Board Certified Ultrasound Tech To You


Navigating is easy. You can always get to the home screen by tapping on the Back button. Tapping on Service reveals Referral or Add New Service functions. Referral lets you upload referral documents while add new service lets you select from a prepopulated list Echo/Cardiac/Heart, Vascular Ultrasound, General Ultrasound, Musculoskeletal and OB/GYN Ultrasound services. Location asks for your location and lets you designate a label for Home or Work. You can enter the location manually or have the app automatically figure out you location.


See Also: Catch My Pain (iOS)


The Main Menu houses your Service History, Profile information, Payment Info, Favorites, Account settings and help. Payment information must be added in the form of Credit Card info.

What previously took a monumental effort is done with minimal stress. Pro-Diagnose literally puts a board certified ultrasound technician at your doorstep making important diagnosis easier than ever before. For its share convenience, easy navigation and being a valuable tool to those who never imagined they'd need it, Pro-Diagnose is worth a look.  


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