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GiveMeApps Reviews

PostureZone iPhone/iPad App Review


Sep 1st 2014 at 03:16am by GiveMeApps

With the multitude of activities we partake in each day, it is easy to forget how important our posture is. All of the leaning on subway doors, slouching in our chairs, running in shoes or heels can take a toll on not just our posture, but our daily performance!  Short of going to a professional (which is always the right choice), there is no way to determine the extent of our bad posture without the aid of the eyes of another person. Posture Zone aims to assist in not just helping you assess your posture, but also to help you improve it!

Stand Up Straight

The crux of Posture Zone is its analysis tool. Using the camera of your device, you can take a picture of your subject using Front/Back or Side view. With your subject standing up as straight as they can (or perhaps the way they normally stand), the app will display a line which will turn green or red depending on whether the device is level or not with respect to the person’s body. Once the line turns green and everything is lined up properly, you can then take a picture. After a quick processing, the app displays measurements in degrees of certain areas of the body.

Read outs will show if there are discrepancies in degrees from the left and right side of the subject. It is important that before snapping the picture that the user adjust bars for the head, torso and feet for accurate readings. Should the discrepancies be more than a few degrees, then a problem is present.

What’s Next?

The reading is a great indicator as to whether your posture is good or not, but not much can be done with just those numbers. Thankfully, Posture Zone has information on what can be done to improve your posture. Tutorials, links and access to related articles come standard with the app to help you move toward improvement. It is stressed that any amount of information is no substitute from professional advice. This is taken care of with the “Find Pro Directory” which will show on a map a number of professionals including chiropractors in your area along with contact information for you to take steps toward improving your posture for good.


The amenities do not stop there. A one-time in app purchase adds case management, tap to zoom and posture practice videos. Up to this point, we have never seen an app focused on this area before. Good posture can improve back pain, shoulder pain, appearance, assist with sports performance and alleviate many other health issues. It is amazing that the amount of information this app is available free of charge. They easily could have charged a premium for this!

If you are looking for a way to assess your posture and then find ways to improve it, then Posture Zone should be on your short list.