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My Traffic Solution Android App Review


Mar 5th 2012 at 01:58am by Wayne Tempel

Wayne Tempel

Wayne Tempel is a freelance writer who has contributed to many articles on the web. You can follow him on Flipboard.

Are you a blogger? Are you an Internet marketer? Are you an online entrepreneur? If you answered yes to any of these statements, there is a new Android app that is an absolute webmasters dream come true. This app is going to be the biggest app in mobile computing. Once every webmaster hears about this, it’s sales are sure to skyrocket. The new app that I’m referring to is My Traffic Solution. You can get it right here in the mall. By the way, it’s free of charge.


See Also: Grow Social (Android)


How many business apps in the store, market, mall, or wherever your preference for apps is, that actually deliver a service? Well this one does. What I’m referring to is that most apps just help, assist, or organize in some capacity for you. Not this one though, it truly delivers. What I mean is that it delivers what everyone needs to their website or blog, traffic. Traffic, it’s something that we all need and crave online, right?




So, how does it work? The fundamental basics of the app works like this: Basically a web surfer does a search for information on cars, they might then type “”, however that domain no longer exists. Then what happens? You just happen to be a client of My Traffic Solution, with a weblog or site on “cars”, and that traffic gets directed to your site. There hasn’t been a more innovating Android app to date.


See Also: Giddyology (iOS)


Make no mistake about it. The developer delivers satisfaction guaranteed. Some of the included features of this app are:

Traffic Solution delivers verifiable Alexa, adult, and traditional human website visitors 24/7/365. Our traffic comes from our providers' large Private network of domains. The traffic is redirect traffic initially destined for these domains. When people go to a website for example but the website is no longer there, as a client of Traffic Solution, targeting the car classification, visitors would be redirected to YOUR website/blog/etc. whose content is targeted toward cars.


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The geographic is verified utilizing the latest IP databases provided by to establish what originating country the users IP is from. This method is over 99% accurate in determining country of origin. In the Client stats area, there is a IP tracker where Clients can track every single IP address of individual visitors as they are re-directed through to the Clients' site


See Also: Qontact (Windows Phone)


My final analysis is that this app is going to revolutionize the web as we know it. It will enhance the lives of those bloggers or entrepreneurs who use it. I don’t know of any other Android or iOS app that promises to do what this one does. It’s going to really be huge.


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