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GiveMeApps Reviews

MoviePal = Shazam for Movies


Dec 25th 2011 at 05:11am by jbanafsheha

Jordan Banafsheha

Jordan Banafsheha is a freelance web developer and blogger. Follow him on his Twitter for info on his development services.

MoviePal is the latest movie-related app on the market. The MoviePal application makes watching movie trailers much more social. MoviePal allows you to watch movie trailers and share them with friends.


You can watch a trailer and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. The app even lets you set up a time to meet up to go to the film once it opens.


iPhone/iPad App Review: Movie Pal | GiveMeApps

Movie Pal is like the Shazam Of Movies!



The developers of the app have also added a Shazam-like feature. It lets you tag a movie trailer that you are watching on a TV or in a movie theatre.


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According to TechCrunch, the Shazam like feature works as follows: you press a button on the app, wait 10 seconds for it to analyze and ID the trailer, and then save the trailer for later. As if that feature wasn’t cool enough it also lets you see which movies are playing in theaters near you and will alert you when a movie you tagged comes out in theaters.


Currently the app is only available on iOS running devices.


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