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Microsoft's Metro Update For Xbox


Dec 4th 2011 at 05:52am by jbanafsheha

Jordan Banafsheha

Jordan Banafsheha is a freelance web developer and blogger. Follow him on his Twitter for info on his development services.

The upcoming Metro update to Microsoft’s Xbox, which is expected to be released on December 6, will make it easier to find the content you want. You can access files from Microsoft’s online media store or directly from the Internet through YouTube. This update also allows Windows Phone users to control the Xbox remotely from their phones. Another great addition to this update is the 25-channel HD channel selection from Verizon FiOS.


See Also: Microsoft's Killer Week (News)


According to Tech Crunch, this update really shows Microsoft’s intentions to conquer the living room as well as the gaming room, as some would say Xbox has already done. Microsoft has partnered up with HBO, UFC, Verizon FiOS, and Comcast to bring all of these new features to your living room. By adding Comcast and FiOS to their features, Xbox expands from a gaming console to a TV console as well.


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Additionally every app will be Kinect-enabled after the release of the update. This change will be revolutionary. It allows you to swipe through games, music, movies and all other content with your hands. The new software also allows you to call up games, music, movies and all other content with speech. Another fantastic feature that has been added is the Bing search screen. This new search feature will look up your searches online, on the Microsoft stores, as well as on the entire Xbox console for all prospective matches. As well as all these great new features that have been added to the console, the Xbox software has also changed its looks. The update makes the Xbox have a cleaner and sharper look compared to the old software designs.


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