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Microsoft Having Trouble Coming Up To The Surface


Jul 21st 2013 at 07:17am by GiveMeApps

What do the numbers $900 Million and $30 Billion have in common? Well, they are both numbers that Microsoft, once the mighty kind of the OS landscape isn't too happy about. Their Surface tablet, which was supposed to help Microsoft reclaim its throne as king proved to be ill-timed and fatal. 

Speculators say this has a lot more to do with the changing technological landscape than the Surface's worth as a product. All PC makers are struggling. Microsoft recently wrote off $900 Million on unsold Surface territory while watching their stock plummet a whopping 10%. The Surface was an attempt by Microsoft to capture the Tablet market, which really took off when Apple released its iPad four years ago. While sporting sleek looks, Windows 8 and many innovative features, the public response is more or less flat. Critics say its higher price point and late release (compared to the original iPad which now dominates the market) is what makes it less attractive to even its admirers. 

Where Surface sales are disappointing, Microsoft has reason to celebrate as its Windows Phone 8 OS recently took the number three spot from Blackberry because of Nokia Lumia sales.