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GiveMeApps Reviews

Make That Word iPhone/iPad App Review


Aug 25th 2012 at 07:05am by GiveMeApps

No matter what platform you're on, you're never going to get a shortage of word games. Many are a play off of the popular game scrabble, some plays off of traditional newpaper word puzzles, and many creators try to make things extremely complicated to keep your attention. It is refreshing to know that All New Apps has come up with a more simple play on a theme which is still just as challenging, engaging and attention keeping. Ladies and gentleman, we give you "Make That Word".

A Simple Game That's Not Simple

The premise behind Make That Word is fairly simple. You are given 5 letter words which you have to unscramble. To be fair, you're given one shot at each word. This means that if you screw it up while unscrambling, well, better luck next time! Play is endless which means you will get an unlimited number of words to work with. The purple color scheme is easy on the eyes. There are two main modes, Endless which gives you 20 seconds to get the correct word, and Blitz which gives you 2 minutes to get as many words as possible. As a licensed Educator, I can easily see how this can be used in a classroom setting. Awesome to beef up spelling skils and definition games could be taked onto this in a lesson. Great job All New Apps! 

Better yet, like many of the word games on the market, you can use Game Center (have to register) to challenge your friends and to post and review monthly and weekly high scores. There is Facebook and Twitter integration so you can post your scores to Facebook. If you're brain needs a tune up, this app can provide that for you. You can easily work toward improving cognative skills on your train ride home or break at work with this app. The 99 cents asking price isn't that big of a deal. You'll be hooked no doubt. 5 out of 5 stars. No need to crack open the manual on this one. It's pretty self explanatory, and breaking into it is a doosy. Download this app! You won't be dissapointed.