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Feb 7th 2015 at 12:51pm by GiveMeApps

Social Media has literally changed how people interact with one another, turning the world over its head. These days, whether you are a regular Joe Schmoe or a Fortune 500 company, if you’re not on Social Media, then you’re missing out on a huge potential customer base and will likely lose a lot of business to savvy competitors. Whether it be posting your latest sale, interacting with customers, or pulling in potential customers via word of mouth because people share just about everything, Social Media is a must have. Once on, sometimes finding an audience is a battle in itself. Auto Lean has released a revolutionary new app that will not only help you with that on Twitter and Instagram, but allow you to engage followers, find new ones and give you detailed reports on interactivity!

Reach Out

For social media veterans, simply firing up the app for the first time will bring you joy. Entourage does not require you to create any new accounts. This is one less site or password to remember. Once loaded, you will then need to add your Twitter or Instagram accounts for access. A detailed tutorial is included to help you learn how to get around. After your accounts are linked, the fun begins. On the bottom of the screen you will see icons for Twitter, Instagram and Settings. Settings lets you purchase credits (which are needed to access information of the accounts of other users), change the color theme and communicate with the developer via Feedback.

We worked primarily with Twitter. By pressing the Start Button, you will be prompted to enter in the Twitter account you wish you get information on. From there, you will open up a stats area which can  be displayed in several orders. These include users with the most Followers, with the most Friends and listed. Swiping right will let you follow the user in question. Swiping left will allow you to message the user. As always be careful not to overdo anything and always obey the terms of any social network. Tapping on a user of course will take you to their profile. The main display shows how many followers a user has as well as the amount of lists they appear in. You can also let others know who is following you via iMessage, twitter and Facebook for more convenience.  


Add to everything that you can send social graphs; lets you understand the social network of your competition and allows you to reach out to your followers with the most impact. A tool like this which is mostly free can let you grow your social network and reach out to the socio-sphere in ways that could not have been done without paid help, and we mean to the tune of big bucks. Whether you are a startup, an established business, an artist, musician or a social butterfly, will have something for everyone who is interested in planting their foot on Social Media ground.