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Cyber Attack Takes Down Chinese Internet


Sep 17th 2013 at 01:07am by GiveMeApps

If you happened to be in China over the weekend and tried to access the internet, you would have been in for a real treat. Thousands of sites were either inaccessible in part or completely due to the largest Cyber Attack in the history of the country. The cyber attack affected CN domain names.

Chinese authorities are still unclear as to whether the attack was tied to a recent political event, the trail of Bo Xiali, a Chinese Politician known for cracking down on organized crime. Xiali is on trial for abuse of power, embezzlement and bribery. Prosecutors are looking at stiff penalties due to the refusal to admit guilt. Likewise, a recent government crackdown on Social Media commentary has been suggested to have some tie.

Though China is frequently the aggressor in major cyber attacks, it is still unclear where the attack originated; whether it was some sophisticated organization, or a single loan wolf. The investigation remains ongoing. CEO of CloudFare Matthew Prince is quoted as saying to the Wall Street Journal, "It may have well been a single individual". He went onto say that he noticed a 32% drop in traffic on Chinese domains on his company's network.

Sources - [The Verge], [USA Today], [The Wall Street Journal]