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CyanogenMod To Introduce Quick Access Ribbon


Sep 17th 2013 at 01:03am by GiveMeApps

The folks over at CyanogenMod recently posted in Google + update that they are waving bye-bye to their Notification Power Widgets and introducing a sleeker "Quick Access Ribbon". This Ribbon brings about a new way to access and toggle notifications (offering a new Quick Settings Panel view), all while streamlining code. 3000+ lines of code were discarded in exchange for a slimmer 300 line code set (less code = better). The ribbon will be horizontally scrollable and will be located at the top of the notifications bar. The now defunct Power Widgets appeared as Tiles. A horizontally scrollable ribbon allows more information to be displayed on the screen (more screen real estate left over).

Cyongen mod notes that this implementation hasn't been merged as of yet, but will be available "soon".

While Android users may turn their noses in the air at this coming update (this functionality is already available in the current iteration of Android), do remember that CyanogenMod is an Open Source OS cultivated by an unpaid volunteer community of developers who take existing Android code and port it to current and legacy devices alike, essentially offering an alternative OS with unique features. The OS has a large cult following in the Android-Sphere.

For more on this topic, visit [CyanogenMod on Google+], and check out their [Wiki]. For a list of Supported Devices, check out their [Supported Devices Wiki].