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GiveMeApps Reviews

Cup Magic iPhone/iPad App Review


Feb 15th 2012 at 04:11am by Amanda Amilo

Amanda Amilo

Amanda Amilio is a freelance blogger and tech enthusiast

Whether you are a Starbuck-a-holic or just love a good cup of Joe, this is the app for you! Available for free on the iPhone, this app takes your morning beverage experience to a whole new level. So sit back, relax, and let those creative beans grind.


Show Me The Magic.

Cup magic uses augmented reality to enhance the users experience with a select cup of coffee. Depending upon the holiday, Starbucks will supply a limited amount of cups during select holidays (such as Christmas and Valentine's day) that will work in conjunction with the app.


See Also: Veggie Alarm Clock (Android)


Upon loading the main screen, users are promoted to hold up their iPhone camera to the portion of the cup with graphics. From there the phone should recognize the images and work it's magic.



Once images are recognized, characters and features come to life on the screen. Other features of the app allow the user to explore who the characters are that are represented on the phone.


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The only trouble this app sometimes has is recognizing the images on the phone with a perfectly steady hand. Other than that, this is definitely one to keep on your phone, even if your next chance for some holiday fun isn't for a few more months!


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