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GiveMeApps Reviews

Cooking Pizza Android App Review


Jul 12th 2014 at 11:43am by GiveMeApps

If you can find a game that is fun and will teach its users something in the process, then you are miles ahead of the myriad of mindless games that are available. While most games rely on a huge fantasy component, reality based games offer something else, lessons and encouragement. Cooking Pizza is such an application. With this app, its users can learn how to create a pizza from scratch!

The Experience

Cooking Pizza comes with soothing background music and step by step instructions and a timer to help you hone your skills. The objective of course is to create a pizza. This is done in steps. Steps are analogous to levels in other games. Each step must be completed within a certain amount of time in order to move to subsequent levels. Unlike other games, if you mess up, you get to pick up from where you left off.

The first step involves creating the pizza dough. You’re given flour, salt and water. You have to mix the dough within a minute and a half. Each step gives you a rating. Completing a step within the allotted time generally gives you three stars. After creating the dough, you have to roll it in the next step. You are given a rolling pin and have to move it back and forth by swiping up and down on the screen. Be sure to keep your motions within the area shown on the display. Otherwise, you will roll too slow and run out of time. From there, you get to scoop up mozzarella and smear it on the dough. You literally take a spoon and use it to place the cheese all over the rolled dough.

From there, you continue on through the other steps, eventually placing your toppings of choice and get the pizza ready for serving. At the end of the game, you have a finished pizza ready for consumption. Add ingredients in the wrong error and you will hear a buzzer signaling your mistake. Get a level done correctly and you will receive a round of applause.


Though the game is for people of all ages, we see this being a big hit with kids! What better way than to get into making the foods that we love without making a mess in the kitchen? It works as a great practice tool. When they master it on the device, they may just be able to master it using the real ingredients!