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GiveMeApps Reviews

Clear iPhone/iPad App Review


Mar 6th 2012 at 12:01am by jbanafsheha

Jordan Banafsheha

Jordan Banafsheha is a freelance web developer and blogger. Follow him on his Twitter for info on his development services.

Clear app, by Realmac Software, is a revolutionary app for application design. The “to-do” list application has been built specifically for the touch interface. There are no buttons in this app, unlike all other apps that have buttons positioned either at the top or bottom of the screen. Clear has been designed uniquely on the use of finger gestures such as: pinches and swipes. This app is very simple and easy to use. It’s goal, a clear list.


See Also: DayGram (iOS)


To create a new item on the list simply swipe down. You can swipe up and down to navigate through your list. Swiping left deletes items from the list and swiping to the right marks a task as completed. Pinch apart two items, to add one in between them. Tasks on your list are color coded like a heat map according to the priority of your tasks.


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Clear app doesn’t offer many features other “to-do” list apps offer. Clear app doesn’t offer reminders, alerts, or even an option to add due dates. It also doesn’t sync your tasks with your Mac, so if you are looking for an app with many features and to write a very detailed list, Clear app isn’t the right app for you. But if you are looking for a simple, easy to use app to keep a short and concise list on, Clear app is the answer.


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