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Allwomenstalk iPhone/iPad App Review


Dec 30th 2013 at 12:08pm by GiveMeApps

Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, Career Diva. What do they have in common? They are websites and publications geared mostly toward women. The market is saturated with such content, but there always exists a thirst for a different experience. Most existing media with women as the focus is niche oriented. AllWomenStalk (AWS) takes the all-in-one approach. If you are woman or are looking anything targeting this demographic, chances are you will find all that you are looking for in this new iOS app.

How Different?

AWS’ main strength is how it organizes its content and the user interface. The UI consists of three vertically scrollable panels. The left-most panel allows you to choose the topic/subject of your interest, the middle lets you select articles within that topic, and finally, the right most column is where you can view the article. We counted 35 different topics. Is that enough for you? AWS covers just about every topic imaginable - Apps, Bags, Beauty, Books, Celebrities, Cooking, Diet, DIY, Fitness, Hair, Music and Love are just the tip of the iceberg. Each topic is packed with frequently updated content. The App content area for example, literally had over 36 articles. We mentioned 36 because that is where we stopped counting.

Getting Around

Like many modern blogs, you can favorite articles for archiving, comment and share. All of these icons are located on top of the articles. Tapping on the comment article exposes a fourth column for input. Favorite an article and later click on the star icon on the top left of the display to reveal all of your favorited items. You can also search using the search box. AWS already has quite a following. Scrolling through some of the articles revealed some pieces being favorited well over 1000 times.


All of the articles are well written, many of them from a personal perspective with lots of anecdotes in tow. For example, the Running section featured one article a week with plenty of tips and advice with accounts of personal pitfalls and epiphanies. Not all sections follow this paradigm. The parenting section, featuring a lot of articles written by Elisa Martinez pulls no punches in disseminating statistics, facts, pertinent information and expert advice. The Perfume section features pieces by many authors with tons of product suggestions, photos and thoughtful comparisons. The Wedding section features pieces on dresses, wedding theme ideas, proposal fail videos and even music suggestions. Content-wise, we really mean it when we say there is something for everyone.


All Women Stalk shows a lot of promise with standing out in an already saturated market. You get tons of content, nicely written and informative articles, lots of anecdotes, opinions, product suggestions, parenting advice and what appears to be a large and growing community. With this app being free, you have absolutely nothing to lose but time getting lost in all of the great content.