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Alawar's Farm Frenzy Android App Review


Apr 3rd 2011 at 11:25pm by Harold Everton

Harold Everton

Harold Everton, MBA MS ED is an entrepreneur and tech enthusiast who runs several websites. He is also an educator, professional recording artist and commercial actor. Follow him on Twitter.

Who would've imagined that farm games would take off on any platform? We've seen mobile users addicted to games like this almost everywhere. Whether it be on their favorite social network, game console, or their new mobile phone, these games work.


See Also: Farm Family (Android)


Farm Frenzy builds on a trusted concept and does it better. The premise is you have a bunch of farm animals, with the goal being to make money from their bi-products. The more profit you accrue, the more equipment you can buy and alas, you have a round-the-clock farm powerhouse! Some of the items that can be made with the equipment include cupcakes and cloth. You're dealing with chickens, cows and the like. Money is paid in gold and there are caveats.


Android App Review: Alawar's Farm Frenzy | GiveMeApps

Can You Build A Productive Farm? Farm Frezy Puts You To The Test


Watch out for the bears that fall out of the sky who will interrupt production! Constantly tapping your screen or pressing one of the designated key on your device will get rid of those pests and keep you smooth sailing. Don't do it quick enough and you might end up starting over, making it hard for you to get to the next level  (bummer!). The better your equipment is, the faster production can be! Like any business, you want to make money, so get to work!


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The game itself has such a kids/educational feel. You can owe this to the 1980's bright simple colored graphics and just as entertaining background music. That said, like other games in the genre, adults are completely hooked (i.e. our staff - grrr). It's no surprise that Farm Frenzy is so popular. Out of the many farm games, Farm Frenzy easily made our top five. There is some monotony, but the game will keep you busy.

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