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GiveMeApps Reviews

Next Business Tycoon Android App Review


Jan 4th 2015 at 11:55am by GiveMeApps

If you think you have what it takes to be the next Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg or Steve Jobs, have all of the charisma but lack the cash, then you might want to take a look at Next Business Tycoon. If you own an Android device, you can take a stab at becoming not just the world’s next billionaire, but business juggernaut owning several investments, a multitude of assets, manage transportation lines and build up a fortune which is unmatched. All you need is a bit of patience, a knack for strategy, and most importantly, be competitive.

Mission Possible

Next Business Tycoon is a business strategy game. Using passive or aggressive tactics, it is your job to not just become the world’s biggest company, but to take down your competition through a series of financial decisions and actual physical attacks. You are first required to name your company and choose a location anywhere within the world. We chose our locale when creating our company for realism. From there, your headquarters are created and you are given information on how frequently you can collect daily bonuses. In our case, it was once every 24 hours. If you’re playing the game for the first time, you get a quick tutorial. You are reminded that every 45 minutes, your action bar is filled with ten new actions. Video Tutorials are available, all of which do a fabulous job of explaining game play because it is complex.

Once set up, you can view your stats. Your ranking is displayed along with your money, gold coins, net worth, economy level and offensive level. Several tabs along the top display your actions, company stats (just mentioned), Foreign which shows Security Level, Business status and Resources, and list of attacks. The last tab lists several packages which can be purchased to advance your standing. Your job should be to boost your levels under the foreign tab to excellent and of course advance your rankings. Advancing rankings can be done through a series of purchases and concessions. You can buy and build transportation networks, restaurants, pubs, dance clubs, movie theaters, taxis, trains, buses, all of which range from $200-$100. The security tab under Foreign allows you to purchase transport guards, business guards, business camera and more. The Offensive tab lets you destroy transports, destroy businesses, resources and more for the price of several actions. You can even communicate with other players.


We could create a book explaining the depth of Next Business Tycoon. The game is very complex and we highly recommend going through the tutorial and watching some of the online videos. It is receiving rave reviews and if you’re into strategy, have a love for business, wealth and want to build an empire, the game is right up your alley. This game is not for the faint at heart. This is a long term game which requires careful thought and lots of participation. We did enjoy this, but be warned, be ready to be competitive.