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GiveMeApps Reviews

InnerGroup iPhone/iPad App Review


Oct 12th 2016 at 01:35pm by Harold Everton

Harold Everton

Harold Everton, MBA MS ED is an entrepreneur and tech enthusiast who runs several websites. He is also an educator, professional recording artist and commercial actor. Follow him on Twitter.

GiveMeApps Rating: 3 out of 5
  • Easy to figure out
  • End-to-end encrypted chats
  • Could use a UI facelift
  • Must pay to create groups

One nasty habit tech users need to break is quickly signing up to social media sites without reading their terms of use agreement. Seriously, with all of the scandals that have popped up over the last couple of weeks with the current election cycle, it goes to show that when you think no one is watching, they are, and recording too! This should raise lots of eyebrows! When you're chatting with someone privately on Facebook and Instagram, is everything really private?


See Also: Spark (iOS)


The answer is "of course not" and InnerGroup, a new iOS app aims to change that by allowing you to have private chats with end-to-end encryption one or one or in groups which allows for the sharing of text, audio, pictures, video and more, none of which gets stored in the cloud, ever.


See Also: FaceDial for FaceTime (iOS)


Innergroup's interface is pretty bland, but straightforward. On the main screen you have icons which let you join or create groups. In order to join a group, you need a join code (InnerGroup speak for password). The only way you can receive a join code is if someone gives it to you. There are a couple of public groups which you can join to get a feel for how everything works. You can access these codes on their site.


iPhone/iPad App Review: InnerGroup | GiveMeApps iPhone/iPad App Review: InnerGroup | GiveMeApps

InnerGroups Never Stores Any Chat Items In The Cloud


Once you join a group, everything should be familiar. You can chat, send pics by way of your camera or selecting things images from your gallery. Unlike established networks, when you chat, everything gets sent directly to everyone's devices or stored on a temporary server. If you decide you want delete anything you sent, you are then prompted to delete the item from your device or from everyone's devices. This means once something is gone, it's gone. This includes whole chats! 


See Also: BlueChatBox (Android)


Creating groups are a bit more controversial. Creating groups are easy but does require a 99 cent charge. You may snicker at this, but this small charge allows the developers to keep the app free. From our point of view, this charge may keep more serious users on and minimize rift raft. Once you create a group, you are allowed to play with parameters to restrict and customize the chat.


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You can make groups public or private, view the Group ID and join codes, toggle Personal Posts on or off and allow for shared posts. To access the group editing feature, you have to press the group name in the groups window and then swipe right to reveal "More or Delete".

The only criticism we have with InnerGroup is the interface. It is easy to get around but could use a nice update to make it easier on eyes with larger more modern icons and a tutorial. Luckily, it is straightforward and easy to figure out. If privacy is of major concern and you want peace of mind whether in a professional or friendly setting, InnerGroup provides a strong option. 


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