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GiveMeApps Reviews

Beelinguapp Android App Review


Oct 25th 2016 at 09:08am by Harold Everton

Harold Everton

Harold Everton, MBA MS ED is an entrepreneur and tech enthusiast who runs several websites. He is also an educator, professional recording artist and commercial actor. Follow him on Twitter.

GiveMeApps Rating: 5 out of 5
  • Lets you learn languages through reading text
  • Lots texts included standard in many categories
  • Could use some more language choices
  • Could include longer texts

How many of us want to learn a new language or brush up on one we've already been working on? Do you have your hand raised? How about doing it in a fun and engaging way? Still have your hand up? How about doing it through a new app? Heard that before? There are dozens of apps and other tools on the market which aim to help you learn a new language quickly. A few of them actually work and have customers who stand by them. The thing is, no matter which one you use, effort is required. The other thing is, neither of them are 100% effective. Beelinguapp, a new language app on the market comes close.


See Also: Hello Pal: Talk To The World (Android)


Learning a language is no easy task and Beelinguapp fills in a very important gap which many other apps lack. With Beelinguapp, you learn a new language by reading texts you already enjoy. The other apps on the market help you learn a new language using techniques such as immersion and learning simple sentences. Both of those methods are effective, but in order to learn a language you have to learn it exactly as you did your first one. Reading books and novels is something you did from kindergarten all the way through college.


See Also: Duolingo (iPhone/iPad)


Beelinguapp lets you choose your native language and the language you want to learn. From there, you are able to set your language level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) and then select the category of texts you wish to read. Categories range from Science and Technology all the way to Children's books. This is also important because in order to be engaged, you have to be interested in what you are reading.


Android App Review: Beelinguapp: Learn Languages | GiveMeApps Android App Review: Beelinguapp: Learn Languages | GiveMeApps 

Beelingapp Allows You To The Same Text In Both Languages Simultaneously


Texts range in size which is indicated by the number of paragraphs all of which can be seen before clicking on a text to read. Many are included free while others require a dollar in-app purchase. Once a text is selected, you have a few options. You can toggle back and forth between the text in your native language or the one you are learning. You can also have the text read aloud in either language. You can highlight specific text in any passage, or view both versions of the text simultaneously. 


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At the moment, almost a dozen languages are included and we hope that many more are added in the near future. I was personally excited about this app because it serves as another tool which should be in your language learning arsenal. Reading texts is a piece that is missing in many language learning programs. It is a central educational piece which is equally important as learning new vocabulary words, conjugations and expressions. This app is highly recommended. It being free makes downloading it a no-brainer. 


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