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GiveMeApps Reviews

101 Juice Fast Recipes iPhone/iPad App Review


Jul 17th 2012 at 03:05am by GiveMeApps

I'm a Juice Guy. If it has a fruity sweet taste, then I'm all over it. Better yet, if it is all natural, smooth and exotic, I will forget everything that I am doing an run toward it. Juice has been the buzz word over the last 10-15 years with stores like Jamba Juice poppng up all over the place, Juice Bars ever popular in Metropolitan areas, and let's not forget the alcoholic beverage industry's obsession of mixing liquor with all kinds of fruit concoction. When I had a change to review 101 Juice Fast recipies, I was reluctant to spend the $1.99, but oh boy let me tell you, I am happy I spent the $1.99.

Gimme Some Of That Juice!

101 Juice Fast Recipies is a well layed out app with little need to go online for support or tutorials. The home screen is clean and full of clearly labled menu items. There is never a question of what to do, or where each item will take you. The menu order is as follows:

    • Juicing Info
    • Vegetable Juices
    • Fruit Juices
    • Combo Juices

I'm almost positive that the average user would plunge straight into the juce category of their choice. I visited the Juicing Info first as it is the first menu item. This menu item gives you tips, prepartory items, a prologue, a medical disclaimer and a list of the grocery items you should obtain before attempting to make any of the juices. This is far more useful than just having a collection of recipes.

The recipe items as you would guess contain all of the recipies, which is obviously the core of the app. Each recipie tells what you need, how to prepare it, and gives tips. Some of the Fruit Juices have names like, "So Long, Cellulite", "Red Riding Hood" and Limelight". All interesting sounding and in theory, tasty judging by the ingredients. Vegetable Juices include names such as "Hittin' High C's", "Put A Spring In Your Step" and "Pepper Pot". 

The Combo Juices is where this app really comes alive. There literally are 101 Juices as the name suggests. The bulk of the juices in this app are the Combo Juices. 

There is a bottom menu which is almost always visible with links to the Raw Raw Life page (developer), their blog and even better, to YouTube clips of the juices actually being prepared! You really cannot beat the amount of info packed into this competitively priced app. I rate this app a 5/5. The amount of work that went into preparing this, ensuring it has a tight UI and the content begs for a price higher than $1.99, but you get a break! $1.99 is one heck of a deal!